About this Blog

There is a new movement afoot and it has marched a few clicks up the road by now. This movement is sparked by twenty and thirty-somethings and even some forty, fifty and sixty-somethings that is really something to behold. Its energy comes from many who see that the institutional church in general has been so marginalized by culture and its own history as to be largely ineffective. These musings are not intended to supplant or slur those organizations that are building the Kingdom effectively–or any institution at all. I only hope to add my voice to the conversation and movement that sees and understands we need a vision and implementation of the Great Co-mission in this challenging time. My hope is to encourage the exploration of new opportunities, venues and means on one hand while holding to timeless truths with the other hand. There will be stories here, musings and maybe for some readers offbeat, wild and crazy ideas. I don’t intend to be provocative for provocation’s sake but I want to have room to go off the map, if necessary, to see where God is working and join Him there.